My current role is as support teacher implementing an online reading program that targets students
individually or in small groups. Therefore, opportunities for me to incorporate engaging
animations using ‘Sock Puppets’ and ‘Puppet Pals 2’ in my teaching role are extremely limited.
However, I’m
beginning to work with a few students and the classroom teacher from the adjoining
class to learn how to use these apps so they can be incorporated into learning tasks where applicable in her classroom.
The teacher and selected students will mentor fellow students in follow-up tasks using the
ideas we have discussed for incorporating the use of puppet apps in her
classroom for individual and collaborative tasks are as follows:
- Recount an experience such as a class activity, excursion, sporting event
- · Write a script & prepare animated storyline
- Brainstorm ideas on a topic in a group & present to the class
- · Research & present a report on a topic of study
- · Interview a guest visitor to present a point a view on a study topic
- · Present a book report or review
- · Historical recount of events
- · Describe a timeline
- · ESL students use the characters to practice speaking and listening skills to develop their oral language skills
- · Reluctant speakers to crowds use the puppets as their oral presentation for an assignment
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